So much excitement today! Julian got an e-mail from Goucher College saying he has been admitted, he got a mailing from Bennington College saying he has been admitted and awarded a nice merit scholarship, and he's been invited to go down to NYC for an interview as part of the next stage of the admissions process to Macaulay Honors College. We're going down on Monday. I really hope we don't make the trip only to have him end up not being admitted, but we'll see. A day in NYC will be a nice day regardless. I love visiting the city!
This college "stuff" is stressful! He has several acceptances into colleges we're sure would be wonderful for him, but whether or not we can afford them is another issue. I've quickly realized that waiting for the financial aid offers is just as stressful as the application process, maybe even more so! I'm just hoping that at least one of the colleges is going to take a real interest in him and offer him a great deal. We have four kids. We need to be able to keep feeding the other three, and we can't get so drained by sending the first one(s) to college that the younger ones have no choice but to stay at home and commute to the local community college.
Bennington College
So far, he's been admitted to University of Vermont Honors College (will probably be too expensive to even seriously consider), Bard, New College of Florida (with a nice merit scholarship), New Paltz (our financial safety), Goucher, and Bennington. Next up for notification is Hampshire College in mid-February and then Macaulay in mid-March. Then we have the regular admits to hear back from in late March. Boy, I hope the next couple of months don't go by too slowly. New Paltz is a state school, and I truly wanted us to love it. His stats are quite a bit higher than their averages, and with his background and interests, I think he'd be exactly the kind of kid they would be trying hard to recruit, but they have shown us no love at all.
wow, I can't even imagine college "shopping" at this point. I remember how much my parents hated it especially the financial aid part, not looking forward to that myself. Good luck!