February 6, 2013

What do you know?

The Rain Song

There are some pretty good songs out there about Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Colitis and Crohn's).  

I just had another bowl of my special soup.  It really is quite tasty.  In today's bowl, I discovered a big chunk of what I believed to be liver.  I know that, forever, folks have eaten organs, but *I* have never been one of those folks.  Initially, I was planning to take it out but then decided to close my eyes and shovel it in with a chunk of regular chicken.  I didn't chew that bite very well, but it did go down alright.

I also just had a cup of yummy Flora Max probiotics et al.  (This isn't a pill. That would be far too easy.  This is a pouch of "powder" that you mix in with water and drink.)  I had been taking the minimum amount simply because it's ridiculously expensive - over $50 for one month's supply at the minimum amount.  My thinking was "This is crazy!  How much can I spend a month on probiotics?!", but this whole situation is crazy, so now I'm biting the bullet and upping my daily intake in hopes that it will end up paying off.

I've also realized that I'm not the only weirdo blogging about this.  Here's a blog that I found to be particularly moving.  This unfortunate girl became afflicted at 17 years old, suffered terribly for years, and shares a very raw account of what she went through.  http://painandpoop.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html  It's a real cliffhanger, though, because she stopped blogging the day before she was scheduled for surgery to have her colon removed.  Ugh.  How did it go?  How is she doing?  I will probably never know, but I'm choosing to believe that she is making up for lost time, is out having many exciting adventures, and simply has no time to sit in front of the computer.  I really hope that's the case anyway!

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